Morris A “Good Soldier” But…

May I suggest that Art Morris has been a VERY good soldier. He is trying to force the project to fit within the unreasonable constraints that were left to him by Ted Darcus, Dave Hixson, Nevin Cooley, and Dale High. Against all odds, he is making progress.

Where Art Morris has proven to be a total and complete failure is in his refusal to look out for what is best for the taxpayers and citizens of Lancaster City and County. Art Morris has repeatedly refused to re-examine the agreements which were forced onto the taxpayers, and has clearly stated on more than one occasion that he will not attempt to re-negotiate any of these agreements.

Art Morris has been very good for the project. In doing so, he has again and again ignored what is best for the people.

Unfortunately, Art Morris and other project supporters often (intentionally) confuse what is best for the project with what is best for the people – and for Lancaster.

Editor’s Note: has found Morris to be cooperative in fulfilling requests for information concerning past activities.
