More NCAA train wrecks

PITTSBURGH TIMES-TRIBUNE Editorial: …Judge Anne Covey, who wrote the opinion for a 6-1 majority, said she was “bewildered” by the consent agreement between the NCAA and the Penn State board of trustees – which authorized a long series of draconian sanctions against the university and its football program. In that document, both parties acknowledge that the NCAA had no authority to do what it was in the process of doing…

Also this week, U.S. Rep. Tony Cardenas, a California Democrat, formally asked the NCAA to explain why it believes that a notorious academic cheating scandal at the University of North Carolina – which involved scores of athletes – is not the NCAA’s business. Absent answers, Mr. Cardenas said, he will seek hearings and obtain answers by subpoena.

The NCAA conduct is amazing. It had no jurisdiction in the Penn State case and acted with unprecedented aggression. It had jurisdiction in the UNC case and did nothing. (more)

EDITOR: NEWSLANC cried foul from the moment of the NCAA sanctions was announced. It took a couple of years but Judge Covey has raised the same legal issues that we did. We surmised that Gov. Tom Corbett was desperate to prevent an NCAA full investigation of what took place and strong armed the Penn State board to voluntarily roll over to any and all demands.


1 Comment

  1. While I heartly agree with the judge and congressman I would further ask the NCAA why Duke wasn’t investigated for it’s handling of the LaCrosse team / Mike Nafong fiasco.

    I protest the besmirching of Tom Corbett’s reputation. If Newslanc has anything other than some unsubstantiated conspiracy theory please let us know. Many have had their reputations iirreparably damaged by false accusations. As Ray Donovan asked, “Where do I go to get my reputation back.”

    EDITOR: We refer the reader to “Keisling on Pennsylvania Politics Index.” under which can be found “Corbett/Penn State/Sandusky Series.”

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