More financial scams are targeting older Americans


The fast-growing grandparent ruse is one of countless scams targeting older Americans, who lose an estimated $2.9 billion a year to financial abuse — an increase of 12 percent from 2008 — according to a recent study by MetLife.

Not a day goes by that Assistant State Attorney Phil Archer’s office doesn’t hear about some type of fraud targeting Florida residents. It’s so pervasive that the Brevard County office has added an attorney to pick up cases related to elder fraud and coordinate with local law enforcement for successful prosecution.

But punishing or even finding con artists can be difficult because many are based out of state or country, using phony names and addresses. Their ingenuity is boundless, Archer said..

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: We recommend you read this article and then share it with your elderly parents or grandparents.  Ask them to contact you if there is ever such a request.   As we become old, we become anxious about things and vulnerable.   This clouds judgment.
