Mitt Romney Is Presidential Frontrunner in New Hampshire Poll

NEWSMAX: There’s a surprise frontrunner in New Hampshire for the GOP’s 2016 presidential pick: a new poll puts former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ahead the rest of the potential 2016 field by more than 2-1.

A Suffolk University-Boston Herald poll of 800 likely New Hampshire voters showed Romney would get the backing of 24 percent of the New Hampshire voters, reports The Boston Herald.

With Romney in the mix, none of the other potential Republican contenders received double-digit support in the poll. The nearest possible contender, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, only netted 9 percent, the poll showed… (more)

EDITOR: Romney is positioning himself well as the non-candidate candidate. He has a good chance of getting the nomination and this time winning. If Richard Nixon could lose in 1960 and win in 1968, so can George Romney come back. He will be a better candidate and likely a better president for his travails.
