MH370 search: Pilot Zaharie Shah named as ‘chief suspect’ by Malaysian investigators

EDX / DAILY BEAST: Malaysia’s criminal investigation into the disappearance of flight MH370 has identified the plane’s pilot as its prime suspect, it has been reported.

While the official results of the inquiry are yet to be published, details have been passed on to foreign governments and crash investigators, according to the Sunday Times.

They revealed that after detectives carried out 170 interviews and profiled all of the 239 people on board the Boeing 777 when it vanished on 8 March, Captain Zaharie Shah was left as the most likely perpetrator if deliberate human action is to blame… (more)

EDITOR: This is what a retired Australian airline consultant told NewsLanc’s publisher and we published over a month ago. Suicide by pilot is the second such incident in Asia over the past five years.
