MEDITATION RESOURCES (Mostly at no charge)

By Dr. Amanda Kemp

I’ve heard lots of reasons why people don’t meditate, including from myself. One biggie is: I don’t know how. Well, this list puts that one to bed!

The following are suggested as openings. Shout out to my Self-Compassion instructor Lesley Huff who shared many in her Self-Compassion class. This stuff is mostly free, but it can’t hurt to support your community by purchasing upgrades or attending live events. Take what you like and leave the rest! Stay in touch ! –Dr. Amanda Kemp

Smart Phone Apps

Insight Timer: Has guided meditations, a timer if you just want to do your own thing and even a reminder to meditate among other things. I use the free version all the time!

Mindfulness Training App: I haven’t tried this app, but it has a lot of the leading meditation teachers. It was also highly rated online. Tell me what you think!


Quickie overview to Meditation (2 minutes) I loved this straight talking funny description of meditation. The bottom line meditation is not hard or expensive and if somebody says otherwise, they’re looking for a fight!

Laugh: Okay, this is not a meditation tool, but it is a great way to let go and prepare for or complete your meditation. Hey, maybe it’s great prep before you speak with your ex or a trying teen. Not that I know anything about the aforementioned.

Hip Hop Artist JusTme Mindful Breathing and Listening: I love being guided by an African American twenty-something who “keeps it real.”

Inspiring Video about a group of middle school kids learning and loving mindfulness. Features JusTme and excerpts from the mindful dance.

Samurai and the Fly: Animated lesson in not resisting what comes up when you meditate. Hint: What you resist persists!


Kristen Neff: I haven’t tried Kristen’s meditations yet, but we did the Affectionate Breathing in my Mindful Self-Compassion class. Let peace begin with me! Try one of her guided meditations and let me know your recommendation.

Tara Brach: I LOVE this woman’s teachings. She doesn’t do short guided meditation as stand alones, but at the end of talks she always takes you through a meditation.


Tara Brach leads weekly classes in Bethesda, MD and weekend retreats all over. I’m going to attend something with her this fall but not sure which yet!

Lesley Huff is based in Lancaster, PA and leads a two Self-Compassion Workshops that meet weekly over an 8-week period. I completed her Level I class and will do Level 2 later this month.

Dr. Amanda Kemp is leading Self-Care for People Who Want to Change the World. Starts Sept. 22 in Lancaster, PA. Workshop consists of gentle yoga, creative writing and compassionate meditation. Discount available for participants in 30 Days with Dr. Amanda Kemp Meditation Challenge. If you’d like to host this workshop in your community, give me a shout!
