McCaskey mock trial team in regional finals

Left to right: Arnela Ombassic, Cynthia Thomas, Yentli Soto-Albretch, Benjamin Field, Nguyen Nguyen, Coach Kevin Webster, Juan Hernandez, Katy Plantz

With an early evening win over York Catholic at the Dauphin County Court House, the McCaskey mock trial team braced for the regional finals to take place on Wednesday.

McCaskey had the benefit of representing the defense, a role that the team has found more comfortable. However tomorrow, they will have to again be the prosecution. Although they won the county finals as the prosecution, the margin was razor thin. Team members have spent the intervening two weeks rewriting and practicing the prosecution’s case.

Some members were on the team that made it to the regional contests two years ago, but this will be the first time for Coach Kevin Webster and all of the students to compete in the regional finals.


1 Comment

  1. Go McCaskey!!! You make Lancaster proud!!

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