Madonna and Young: Will Corbett’s evolution aid re-election chances?

LEHIGH VALLEY MORNING CALL: Op Ed: … In the 2010 tea party year, Corbett ran as a staunch conservative, sporting a privatization agenda no governor in modern times articulated while passionately arguing that no taxes or fees of any kind would be increased.

For most of his tenure, he was good to his word. He managed the $4.2 billion deficit handed to him by huge cuts to school districts, county human services and public higher education — fiercely eschewing tax increases. He pushed privatizing state lottery management and state liquor stores, and restructuring pensions of state workers and teachers…

Recently, however, there is indication that Corbett’s seemingly rock-solid conservative ideology is undergoing a do-over. He seems to be moving toward the traditional centrist terrain of successful Pennsylvania governors. Evidence of Corbett’s evolution is found in at least five key policy areas… (more)
