LT to publicly discuss two emergency center locations

At a Monday, March 8, 6 p.m. workshop, the Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors will review the Township’s current progress in narrowing down two potential locations for their future emergency service center. According to an e-mail from township manager Bill Laudien to Friends of Lancaster Township Community Park, the township is now considering a location near the corner of West Street and Elm Avenue.

The other, earlier-proposed location would develop the center on a parcel of the Lancaster Township Community Park, behind Planet Fitness.

“Over the course of the few months, as these details have become available, I’ve provided the information and analysis to Kim Lutz, Brian Hernon, and other interested representatives of the community,” Laudien writes, “I’ve also made this information available to fire company leadership. The details being presented Monday night will be consistent with that distributed information.”

The potential locations were selected out of more than 4,500 township parcels, according to Laudien.

A more comprehensive, dialog-driven meeting will occur on March 31, at 7 p.m. “There will be no decision or deliberation regarding the park site nor the West Street site on Monday night [March 8],” the e-mail states, “We continue to work on specific details for both of those sites and all information, discussion, and deliberation for those two sites will occur at the March 31 meeting.”

The March 8 meeting will be held at 1240 Maple Avenue; The March 31 meeting will be held in the Maple Grove Community Building at 1420 Columbia Avenue.
