Looming fund cuts endanger Amtrak’s Keystone line


The popular Keystone rail service between Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Amtrak’s fourth-busiest route, could face serious cutbacks next year because of reduced federal subsidies.

Amtrak will end its $8 million-a-year contribution for running the service on Oct. 1, 2013, to comply with a 2008 law that requires Amtrak to shift operating costs to the states, Amtrak spokeswoman Danelle Hunter said…

Ridership on the Keystone route has doubled since 2000, to more than 1.3 million passengers a year, as Amtrak and the state and federal governments have put millions of dollars into improving the Amtrak-owned line.…

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1 Comment

  1. Only at a government sponsored/run “business” would the bureaucrat operators consider cutting one of the busiest, and likely, most profitable routes. Hilarious!

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