LNP’s editors make excuses for Corbett and Freeh Report

According to the Sunday LNP editorial, “Keep going onward, Penn State Board of Trustees“,

“Al Lord, formerly the CEO of the lender Sallie Mae, ran for an alumni seat on the Penn State Board of Trustees with the endorsement of Paterno’s widow, Sue.

“Lord has staunchly defended not only Paterno, but former Penn State President Graham Spanier, and administrators Tim Curley and Gary Schultz, now facing trial on charges including perjury and obstruction of justice.

“In Lord’s view, the Freeh Report was ‘incomplete, selective, and largely unconvincing.’

“There are indeed legitimate conversations around whether it was right to take away Paterno’s wins or whether the NCAA was right to impose the sanctions it did.

“But the Freeh Report was not ‘incomplete, selective, and largely unconvincing.’

“It was the exact opposite.

“Moreover, it was instrumental in helping Penn State find its way after the Sandusky nightmare.”

WATCHDOG: It should not require misinformation to point the public in the right direction.

Coach Joe Paterno received a relatively vague description of Jerry Sandusky with the boy in the shower on a Friday evening and reported the matter to the proper officials at Penn State the following Monday morning. This is uncontroversial fact.

Perhaps to cover up his “slow walking” of the Jerry Sandusky investgation while attorney general, Gov. Tom Corbett ‘s stampeded the Board of Trustees at the time of the vote to fire Paterno by telling them “remember the boy in the shower.” Despicable!

Here are some of the things that Republican governor and later attorney general of the United States Dick Thornburg’ s “Review of the Freeh Report Concerning Joseph Paterno” had to say:

“In my opinion, the Freeh Report is seriously flawed, both with respect to the process of
the SIC’s investigation and its findings related to Mr. Paterno.”

“There was just a rush to injustice. In the case of Mr. Paterno, that injustice was palpable.”

“The Freeh report’s conclusion that Mr. Paterno lacked empathy for the victims of Mr. Sandusky’s abuse is unfounded and offensive.”

“Mr. Freeh stated that an e-mail showed that it was Mr. Paterno who decided not to report to authorities the 2001 shower incident involving Mr. Sandusky and a young boy. However, this is not what the e-mail states. The e-mail suggests that it was Mr. Curley’s decision not to report the 2001 incident to authorities and does not state that Mr. Paterno was involved in such a decision or that he was even aware of it.”

We realize come election time LNP plays to the Lancaster County’s large majority Republican population. But the ‘crime’ that Corbett committed against Coach Joe Paterno specifically and Penn State and its alumnae in general must not be ignored.

Even many of the county Republicans will vote against Tom Corbett come election day. They love the Grand Old Party but they love truth and Penn Sate even more.



  1. Given the new direction that LNP is taking with it’s editorial board, and the constant shilling for Wolf by Karen Shuey, I seriously doubt that LNP will be playing to the Republican Party; unless of course, there is an economic benefit for them. As always with LNP….follow the money!!!!

  2. I read in today’s (10/28/14) paper where S. Dale High seems to be in favor or Corbett….that’s all LNP needs to know to validate their endorsement….what Dale wants, LNP will deliver!!!!!

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