LNP: The editors rush to judgment

Both the Intelligencer Journal and the New Era carried morning afterwards editorials concerning the election, even as subscribers were reading the election results.

Since it is doubtful that the editors gathered between the vote count and the deadline for going to press, the editorials must have been written earlier. We would pay a penny to read the version they had ready if Charlie Smithgall had won!

Also the Intell displayed no sense of “Magnanimous in victory; gracious in defeat” and simply continued to pile on. Had they waited a day or two, their commentary might have been far more insightful, constructive and generous.

As for the New Era, they showed little sign of understanding what Charlie Smithgall had been saying. Rather than referring to the real issues that were core to his campaign – his promise of “progress” and hands on management – they took another swipe at the integrity of the re-elected Rick Gray.

And can you imagine something so stupid as their saying “If Gray does nothing more than keep a tight rein on the city’s purse strings, he arguably will have a successful third term.”

What a bunch of bumpkins!

NewsLanc prefers to put the campaign behind us and allow the once again elected mayor time to put into effect the direction he will be taking, be it more of the same or possibly rising to the challenges set forth by his adversary.

It was far better for Lancaster than Smithgall chose to compete and, in doing so, set forth an alternate vision for the management and future of the city. Both the Intell and New Era should be thanking him. Come to think of it, so should Rick Gray. (But we won’t hold our breath.)

The campaign was democracy in action. We can all take pride in that.
