LNP editors owe Kathleen Kane and Lancaster public an apology

NewsLanc’s “LNP editors call for Kathleen Kane’s resignation: A rush to judgment” rebutted the Lancaster Newspapers infamous editorial “Enough, already: Attorney General Kathleen Kane needs to resign.”

NewsLanc has subsequently researched LNP’s generated reporting on the accusations against Attorney General Kathleen Kane that would have led it to call for the resignation of the elected, second highest official in the state.

There was none!

The Philadelphia Inquirer / Daily News and Kane are locked in deadly battle over claims by the Daily News that Kane leaked banned information from a five year old grand jury hearing to its reporter. (This is a rare if not unique case of media attacking its sources.) Circumstances surround the bad blood existing between reporters who were former members of the Corbett regime and Kane.

So did LNP editors assign one of its better reporters to investigate and write about the situation? No!

Have the editors reflected on whether the charges, even if true, are but a minor infraction that is relatively common occurrence? Apparently not.

Certainly a matter as serious as calling for the resignation of an elected public official deserves some research, some questions, some reflection on the seriousness of the alleged offense.

Aren’t the editors aware that grand juries are controlled exclusively by the prosecutor, that the accused has no opportunity to speak in his or her own defense? That Kane hasn’t even been charged? That the judge at this point may be obligated to recuse himself?

The editors deserve credit for some thoughtful editorials based upon LNP generated news articles over the past few months. So the handling of this matter is an aberration although a serious lapse of basic journalistic standards.

The LNP editors should reflect on their precipitous, unwarranted request and publish a ‘mea culpa’ for this cheap, cruel shot at Kane.

But LNP’s history is never to apologize, just to brazen out misconduct.



  1. Well….you are 100% correct in your closing sentence!!!

    LNP editorial board (both past and current) seems to always take a very arrogant “(what’s good for us, must be good for everyone”) approach to almost any topical issue. Being fair, balanced and objective has not been in their make-up for a long time; at least not since the initiation of the albatross Convention Center/Marriott Hotel debacle.

    LNP has become little more than an advertising arm of “vibrant, robust downtown” trying to appeal to would-be visitors/guests of the afore-said Con Center/Hotel. LNP seldom addresses any negative aspects of “vibrant, robust downtown”, and concentrates way to much of it’s ‘coverage’ to promoting it’s own special interests.

  2. Inquirer is throwing everything they have at Kane. Before this is over they’ll have stories about Kane only leaving a 15% tip at lunch.

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