LNP editorial doth protest too much, methinks

With apologies to Shakespeare in Hamlet, we wonder about the crusade that top management at LNP launched from the moment that Democrat Attorney General Kathleen Kane was accused of misconduct in office.

LNP’s second editorial in as many months calling for Kane to resign is headed “If Kathleen Kane wants to ‘clean up Harrisburg,’ she should resign now”.

Given LNP’s lead role in the Convention Center debacle and ‘rip off’ of taxpayers; Kane’s investigation of questionable bond funded projects over the decades by Harrisburg officials and what it bodes for other cities; perhaps the heading would have more accurately been:

“If Kathleen Kane wants to ‘clean up Lancaster,’ she should resign now”

A poll by a reputable national firm engaged by Fox News showed that 78% of Lancaster residents opposed county guarantees for the Convention Center bonds. The PKF Feasibility Report ordered by the county commissioners recommended that the scope of the project be reduced or another use found for the site. There was wholesale ‘drum beating’ and dissembling if not criminality surrounding the project.

People want an investigation. We doubt that any AG other than Kane would be likely to ever probe the matter.

Kane’s actions may have been petty and vindictive. If true, she should be reprimanded. This can be done by the state Supreme Court or legislature.

But the good this first elected Democrat attorney general is doing and is capable of doing in investigating corruption far outweighs her initial mistakes. Besides which, we haven’t heard her side of the story yet.

Perhaps the pressure to get her to resign in exchange for a light plea bargain is to prevent her testimony with the accompanying publicity about Republican and Democrat corruption and the forces that want her out of office.

So what LNP’s rush to get her to resign? And where was the LNP editorial board during the Tom Corbett years?



  1. …Remember the County Commissioners who did not fall lock-step into line with all the other politicians, judges and various proponents of the Hotel/Con Center? They were tarred and feathered in the public pages of LNP.

    LNP needs Attorney Kane to disappear quickly, before she can get an investigation going on Lancaster “politics as usual”. She represents someone that LNP can’t touch/persuade, and LNP can’t have that looming over their collective sorrowful heads.

  2. The Tea Baggers in the house and senate made it very clear they would do whatever it takes to get her.

    Let a jury hash it out, and waste a bunch of money on nothing.

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