LNP continues to short change Lancaster Online subscribers

Here we go again.

An interesting article “County hospitals get solid grades” appeared on page three of the e-edition and goes on to describe the findings of a “report.”

The article discussed the good and poor grades received by local hospitals in a variety of categories.

On the jump page and well into the article it is disclosed that the report was prepared by the “Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council.”

Now here is the rub: The article cannot be found either on the Web site or through LNP’s search engine.

For those with paid access, the report can likely still be found on the e-edition.

We wonder what is LNP’s criteria for omitting articles from LancasterOnLine , often important ones, from the web site? Is it policy or just lack of care?


1 Comment

  1. Unless there is profit to be made, LNP doesn’t care about very much in terms of ‘journalism’.

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