Lifetime potential and achievement scoring system

An insightful fantasy game we play is grading the potentials of ourselves and those whom we know or have learned about and then also grading what the individuals have accomplished.

Some may be B players who achieve B+ status. Others might be A- players who ended B+ .

We apply the same formula to us, acquaintances and dignitaries. Granted, most of us on a different scale.

We rate the potential and life time achievements of all presidents during our lifetime, with one disastrous exception, in the high “B”s or “A”s, both as to potential and achievement.

For example, Harry Truman is A- / A. Ronald Reagan A- / A- . Barack Obama A / A+.

The hardest president for us to rate is Bill Clinton. A- / B+? A- / A-?

George H. W. Bush we rate as A / A.

Franklin Roosevelt: For his first two terms A- / A. His ignoring of Keynesian economics triggered the renewed depression of 1938.) For the War Years, A- / A+.

Dwight Eisenhower A / A

Barack Obama A / A+.

Why Obama A+ and Truman A? Truman’s greatest successes had significant contributions from Secretary of State Dean Acheson and Secretary of Defense George Marshall, both historic giants. Eisenhower also relied heavily on strong cabinet figures. Obama’s greatness has largely stemmed from his own intellect and courage.

Okay, we will say it: George W. Bush B/ D-. He never should have been president. We, as well as perhaps 20,000 other citizens, would have done better… And certainly Al Gore who had a plurality of half a million votes.

We will take to our grave our ratings of family members, friends and acquaintances.
