Library System Administrator resigns post

Press Release for Immediate Release

Lancaster, PA- At a special Library System Board meeting held on Monday, November 29 at 7:00 pm, Susan Hauer, Administrator for the Library System resigned as Library System Administrator, a position that she held since October of 2003.

Hauer will be leaving her post along with the current Library System Board to allow for a new start for the public library services in the County.

Best known for her advocacy efforts for library funding, Hauer has worked effectively in two states to procure library funding that is “stable, sufficient and secure”. As a member of the New York Library Associations’ Legislative Committee, and again with the Pennsylvania Library Association, Hauer has campaigned tirelessly to increase funding to public libraries.

Beginning in 2011, the libraries will be aided in their strategic planning process by an outside consulting firm selected by the County Commissioners and a new citizen board of trustees appointed by the County Commissioners.

The consultant firm is due to the announced in early December.

Bill Hudson, Deputy Administrator and Manager of Information Technology Services will be responsible for Administrator duties and responsibilities at the Library System of Lancaster County effective immediately.



  1. Hip Hip Hooray!!!

  2. Unfortunately, the damage has been done. The funding which was wasted for so many years by the needless administrative overhead created by the “Library System” is gone forever. It may already be too late for the downtown library.

  3. The “Library System” has wasted so much desperately-needed funding that the very existence of the downtown library isn in serious jeopardy. When the incoming ultra-conservative governor and legislature decimate funding for local libraries, it may already be far too late to salvage what will be left.

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