LGH: The sick and needy be damned?

EDITOR: The following is a Report from a syringe exchange in a city comparable to Lancaster. Prevention is a lot cheaper than treatment.    LGH’s states its mission as “To advance the health and well-being of the communities we serve.”  Hypocrisy? ‘501 (c) 3 Public Charity’ has refused to lend support to an offer by the Urban League to operate a similar syringe exchange here in Lancaster.

Twenty participants were tested for HIV in February.

Total contacts: 293

Total IDU contacts: 256

Total unduplicated IDU contacts: 224

Syringes: 2620

Condoms distributed: Male- 2384, Female-48, Dental Dams-42 Finger Cots-50

Demographics of unduplicated IDU contacts:

African American male: 33

White Male: 39

Latino: 65

African American female: 25

White female: 35

Latina: 27

We completed 228 referrals for various services.

This month, as a result of our 83 total D&A referrals, five participants entered into drug treatment facilities. This indicates those of whom we are aware; there may be additional entries of which we are not aware.
