LETTER: Fact or fiction about Penn State scandal?

Here is the reason for the Penn State cover up, as told to me by my cousin”Vinny” from Philadelphia.

As Gricar started his investigation of Sandusky he found out about Sandusky and his ties to the mob family, Bonomi, in Phily. Sandusky was throwing point spreads for the mob.  Pull the Penn State covers in Las Vegas for the last 15 yrs and you will see that the facts back this up.

When Gricar figured it all out and threatened to go forth with the info if he wasn’t paid he got wacked and is in a landfill in southern New york.  No body, no crime.

That is why they kept Sandusky around the campus after he was “retired”,  He was the school connection to the mob.

After Gricar disappeared Paterno and the rest were scared to death to mess with Sandusky and that is why McQueery is in protective custody, Paterno has a lawyer and Ed Rendell and Tom Corbett are under investigation by the FBI.  This is what I have been told.

EDITOR: Someone may well be pulling our leg.  We wouldn’t publish this except that we heard second hand from a credible source a frightening accusations about who murdered District Attorney Ray Gricar that lends credence to the above.

We consider it likely that Gricar would have discussed Sandusky with then attorney general Tom Corbett.  That’s what attorney generals do when they have this type of explosive case which is beyond their resources and  would not be proper for them to handle locally.



  1. This story gets ‘juicier’ with each passing day…if the above has even an ounce of truth to it, and the mob was involved, it certainly helps explain the silence.

    In the immortal words of Richie Ashburn……….”Hard to believe, Harry” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I grew up with a lot of wealthy kids on the Main Line whose fathers were connected. They all went to PSU. Makes we wonder who is really running Happy Valley

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