LETTER: This is corruption and criminal in my opinion.

I just took part in the last straw poll. As someone with no real ties to any of the candidates I can honestly say I have no idea how anyone could vote for Neal Rice over Scott Martin or even Ethan Demme. Scott hit it out of the park. He is a bit too conservative for my taste but Scott has always been a straight shooter and I know he cares about our county.

Some younger committee members were talking about getting free parking and raises for district attorney staff if they voted to push out Scott Martin and vote for the Rice guy. I don’t like what is going on and even on my committee we have too many county employees being promised way too many perks if they get Scott Martin out of the way.

This goes far beyond political stunts. This is corruption and criminal in my opinion.

I agree with another poster that we need an open primary. My area chair is a nice woman and is very fair. But I know she is even concerned with all of the back door wheeling and dealing.

The committee is suffering because of a self serving incoming politician and his minions who tell everyone they are protected by Dale. It was equally surprising to see our county chairman running for a national delegate seat??? How can we trust Dave to make sure our straw poll process is fair if Dave is a candidate???

For the integrity of our committee we need to stand against these games.



  1. D
    istrict Attorney staff being promised favors? By who? My understanding is that Craig Stedman is co-chair of Scott Martin’s campaign.

    And what kind of jobs would they be promised? An incoming Senator has little or no clout, a very limited staff and little money.

    I am very disappointed to read this especially since at least one person on that committee got a rather nice job because of Martin. I won’t name names.

    I also am disappointed by Scott’s behavior after these straw polls. These accusations need to be backed up with proof.

    I am not a committee person so for now have no investment in this. Still it makes me wonder at the direction this will go.

  2. What a great story for LNP to send their investigative team to uncover…..whoops, sorry….I forgot…..LNP always does the bidding of Dale High, and surely Dale wouldn’t be involved in anything that would have the appearance of corruption….now, would he?????

  3. You obviously are unable to read a text and comprehend. That poster never said anything about promising anyone jobs. They said “raises” and “parking.” As someone with first hand knowledge, many of us have been approached to change our votes and promised things in order to do so. Younger and gullable staff may believe the hype but many of us see through this process. I have probably said 5 words to Scott Martin in my entire life so this certainly isn’t a testimant to come to his defense. But if you claim to not be a committee person, how would you be able to claim anything about his “behavior?” Furthermore, you basically are blaming one candidate for the total backlash over this bogus process. Check the RCLC Facebook page. Even before straw polls began, committee people were questioning why we were rushing this process. We now know why and so does everyone else throughout all of our committees.

    Since you are not on the committee, spare those of us that are with your comments. No matter which candidate you support, this process is completely fixed. Tell your commissioner-elect to make sure he never threatens our sheriff again. Everyone knows he told our sheriff that our sheriff would be, “committing political suicide” if our sheriff didn’t vote against constable reform. Funny how one of those constables is on the first round committee and worked directly with that same commissioner-elect to persuade votes. Same guy is responsible for making promises and offering “deals” to other committee people to get his way.

    Want to know the direction this is all going? Committee people and county employees are saying, Enough is Enough! I have always been an avid Smucker supporter and I didn’t care much about the senate race. Rest assure, I do now!!! Our Sheriff’s department will not be threatened!

  4. Sorry I said jobs I meant raises. Our young employees of the county should understand that a single Commissioner or State Senator doesn’t have the power to give them anything.

    You don’t address the DA being Scott Martin’s co-chair. Additionally, I am not blaming the candidate for flaws in the process. That has been debated and analyzed for years.

    Scott Martin’s behavior after each of the Straw Polls was seen by a number of people.

    In regards to the Sheriff and the term “political suicide”it’s well known that the Sheriff has no further political aspirations. Still what does that have to do with this endorsement process?

    Just because I am not a committee person doesn’t mean I’m not interested in the process. If you are on the committee you are supposed to represent the Republican voters not tell them to “shut up”.

  5. Lancaster County politics are about as corrupt as they come……all bathed in religion. Hypocrisy at its best

  6. When politics are so corrupt at the local level, how are we suppose to have any faith in the politics at the national level. Both parties are a disgrace and have forgotten that they are to serve “We the People” not their own agendas.

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