LETTER: The ONLY possible way for the Convention Center to generate what it needs

Re: “Lots of questions concerning Scott Martin’s offer to preserve Convention Center”
Some thoughts on this “deal”…

-To answer a question that you raise, I cannot imagine that the new County guarantee expires after 7 years or 70 years for that matter. The County guarantee lasts until ALL the bonds are paid in full. The CC is the gift that just keeps on giving. As to what happens to the interest rate after 7 years…who knows?

-I am torn as to whether or not I think this deal is good. The question as to what happens after 7 years goes to the core of Martin’s baseless claim of not allowing it to fall to County taxpayers. He may be able to assure this claim while he serves as a commissioner, but there is no way he can do so long term. As much as I don’t want to pay for it, no one will ever be held accountable UNTIL the taxpayer of Lancaster County is paying directly…trust me we are all paying indirectly already.

-When we pay directly, at least there will be a public demand for accountability against those who pushed this through and those who allowed those to push it through. The paper will be seen as what it truly is, not our partner, but the ministry of propaganda for PSP. Dick Shellenberger and Molly Henderson, unlikely bi-partisan partners, will be seen as the voice of reason, not the heretics that LNP tried to make them. Folks like Gib Armstrong, John Barley, Paul Thibault, Charlie Smithgall, Rick Gray, 98% of City Council will be seen as bought and paid for by the power elite. Dale High, Rufus Fulton, Jack Buckwalter (RIP)/The Steinman’s, the people behind PSP, will be seen as the modern day robber barons that they are with respect to this project.

-While I do not believe that the intent of the original backers was to open a casino, a casino is the ONLY possible way for the building to generate what it needs to generate. Of course, that does not take into account the social costs, etc., it just feeds the white elephant. Persoanlly, I dont care. Open it. There may come a time when a casino is no longer a winning proposition, even for the house. We should cut to the chase and do it now. PSP will laugh all the way to the bank and we wont be talking about the Martin Plan or bond payments any more.




  1. I totally agree with the above comments.

    Let the casino happen….as long as Lancaster County taxpayers are off the hook. Doing so, puts the CC/Hotel back on the tax roles, which helps the School District of Lancaster as well as Lancaster City. And forces PSP/High Assoc./LNP to really manage the cash flow, without the aid of public funds.

    This was their brainchild…let them assume the risk/profits without public support.

  2. Read this article written in 2008 about the very subject of it being converted to a casino by the PSP!


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