LETTER: Sunday News misrepresents ‘Crossings’ as “scaled back”

Why does Gil Smart keep repeating the same miss-information? In his front page story in today’s Sunday News (Feb.19), Crossings project hits legal bump, he writes: “The plan [Crossings II] is a scaled-down version of a larger project High initially proposed…”

GIL, IT IS NO SUCH THING! True, the development’s retail component was scaled-down to about one-third its original size, but High has added 14 separate apartment buildings — yes, 14 — and a hotel, none of which was part of the earlier plan!

In addition, the original plan for a movie theater has been carried over into the new plan. How much traffic can a movie theater be expected to generate? (Why didn’t the MT Commissioners ask about that?)

There was no independent traffic study to support High’s claims that Crossings II would result in less traffic than Crossings I. The developers made this claim because they want to reduce the amount of required roadway work on Harrisburg Pike to support Crossings traffic – which, unless they get state or TIGER IV federal tax money, they will have to pay out of their own pocket.

A local realtor recently said, “High wants to put way too many buildings on the Deisley land. The Crossings should not be built there. High needs to find some other place to put it.



  1. As recent history has demonstrated, High works on a simple approach when it comes to traffic studies…”traffic study…we don’t need no stinkin’ traffic study”.

  2. When it comes to reporting on anything considering High Industries and/or the PSP/Convention Center fiasco; you can couint on LNP for misinformation, or to put a positive ‘spin’ on things (to their benefit, of course). If only our elected officials would hold LNP accountable for the ‘truth’ once in a while!!!!

    If our elected officials only use LNP ‘facts’, they will never get the full story. Do they access this web-site? Do they access Lancaster Independent Press? Do they do any research on their own? Do they REALLY know how we feel??????

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