LETTER: Single payer system only after collapse of economy

The huge windfall to the Insurance companies was the price to get anything done, just as the Bush era’s prescription drug plan gave another huge windfall to the industry via the wholesale delivery of Medicare to private companies, adding billions in cost without a single improvement, in order to get basic pharmaceutical insurance for seniors. So, with the latest compromise, “Blackmail”, even though millions more will now be “insured”, via the mandate, your comment that “insurance products offered for individual purchase are often limited in their scope and only the most expensive, and therefor least attainable policies actually provide adequate coverage” is additionally disheartening.

The machine is broken but lumbers on crushing millions because everyone who profits from the existing system (Insurance and pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment manufacturers, hospitals (for profit and “not for profit”), and doctors, have (collectively), like wall street, huge control over “our” elected representatives, and even ourselves via a money powered propaganda machine.

Someday we will certainly have a one payer system like most of the advanced countries in the world, but only, I fear, after a monumental collapse of our entire economy. Too bad
