LETTER: Send the whole pack of Corbett cronies porno to news outlets (We disagree)

Re: AG Kathleen Kane will file ‘Porngate’ email request next week
So Kane just needs to roll the dice; they want to ruin her so she should just send the whole package of Corbett cronies porno stashes to every news outlet in the country.

She might lose her job but the rest of Corbett’s swineherd can have their Bud Dwyer moments.

EDITOR: Is it fair to ruin careers just because of minor indiscretions? Isn’t this sinking to Corbett’s level?

In our view, the only relevance of the pornographic e-mails is when they apply to the credibility of charges against Kane.



  1. So aren’t the Corbett cronies trying to ruin Kane over not even a minor indiscretion but a tactic Corbett and his lapdog successor did, leak Grand Jury info to the media? I seem to remember the Sandusky and PSU indictments showing up on line due to a “technical computer error.” Like we would be too dumb to know they posted a pdf document online.

  2. Is it fair to ruin careers just because of minor indiscretions?

    Minor Indiscretions!? These people were supposed to be professionals. They were caught using state property, probably on state time to spread porn. That offense gets people fired every day in the private sector. If for no other reason, those people should be fired for basic stupidity. They ruined their own careers.

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