LETTER: “Run these guys out of town”

EDITOR: The letter is in response to the final chapter in the convention center series.

Needs to be a book; maybe even “fiction” to avoid frivolous lawsuits by private entities using public funds, like the LCCCA spending 7 million dollars in public money to advance the interests of the private PSP, while keeping the public in the dark through control of the media.

Then there are the political contributions to buy access and influence (i.e bribery), the single slick law firm representing both sides while sticking it to the less powerful “client”,  the more “in the dark” entity, the suckers, i..e. the public), the DA and a court house using our legal establishment to punish honest citizens who dare to challenge private excess, etc etc etc.

Great story that needs to be told over and over again until the sleeping people, whose country (and county) this is, finally “gets it” sufficiently to overcome their fear of retaliation. Possible? If Molly Henderson stands alone it is impossible. Only solidarity can overcome our public and shameful imprisonment.

So, courage anyone? Solidarity?  Fair play? Lancaster County is great for religion and charity and goodness and virtue as long as it costs nothing and risks nothing. We either run these guys out of town (literally of figuratively) or we live on their plantation by their rules as we have for 100 years.

This American tragedy needs to be told, not only in a book, but a great book, one that might trigger a movement towards having our public institutions actually serve the people who built this country instead of those who, at one time, may have helped to build it, but who now simply feed on it. Shame on them all.

I do not begrudge one dollar of any person’s money that was honestly made but when that honest money is used to steal money from others, to steal their institutions, and their very government, then the time has come to start all over again and rebuild history’s greatest experiment in self government.



  1. There is already a book. Different town, different type of project (stadium not convention center), same evil doers, same process, same failure to use good judgement and common sense in the face of powerful people/entities who want what they want.

    Read former MLB pitcher Jim Bouton’s “Foul Ball”.


    I think Mr. Bouton should write the sequel about Lancaster.

  2. If you are wanting to form a group, count me in….I believe also there is strength in numbers. Post any ideas you have about forming a group and I would be happy to host a meeting. I definitely am in agreement with all you had to say…..and you said it well. I know quite a few others who would love to participate.

  3. I suspect there would MANY who would love to participate if given the opportunity and forum. Maybe Lancaster cab recreate the Boston Tea Party…….we have definitley been victims of taxation without a voice that was allowed to be heard.

    EDITOR: The voice was heard via the Fox 43 sponsored poll which indicated that 78% of the population with an opinion opposed a county guarantee of convention center debt. It was just ignored.

  4. .
    Re: Commentator “Strength in numbers” etc.

    Lets have a Molly Henderson Day next year on the anniversary of the Chester County court throwing out her case. Celebrate the whole day with a picnic and rally at Longs Park with 10,000 attendees, circulate petitions there for a new political party (The Freedom Party?) bring our own lunches/dinners, American flags, lawn chairs, noise makers, speakers (fire and brimstone guys and gals just for the fun of it), have music and dancing and announce the winner of a Molly Henderson song contest, pass out the words and sing it.

    In the meantime print up some bumper stickers, “I Stand with Molly” and put them everywhere.

    This event will not be an angry mob but a happy, upbeat, and hopeful crowd coming together in solidarity, in the strength in numbers to celebrate freedom from the oppression of money and power that would, and far too often has, for its own private interests, buried the truth and anyone who spoke it, in an avalanche of ink and corrupted governmental power . .. . paid for with the victims (citizens) own money. Never again!

    And, on that day, that beautiful Molly Henderson day, we won’t forget the other heroes in this story: Dick Shellenberger, Robert Field and NewsLanc, the SDL board, the grand jury that refused to be bulldozed, and others. Shine a little light. Send a message. Never again.

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