LETTER: Questioning the integrity of Tom Baldridge

Re: Both Harrisburg and Lancaster Bond projects born of deception

So this piece was a walk down BAD memory lane and it should cause everyone to question the integrity of Tom Baldridge.

-First he said he would release the full study.

-Then he said that he misspoke and that the full study was confidential and he could not and would not release it.

-Then on the eve of the Commissioner’s vote, he pulled out the full study at the Commissioner’s weekly work session and made it a part of the public record.

If it was confidential, how could he release it? Bottom line, he lied! The study was never confidential but its owners, the Lancaster Campaign/Lancaster Alliance – controlled by PSP with Baldridge as the trained lapdog and mouthpiece, knew it would not hold up to scrutiny. As the entire basis of the tax and project, the owners of that study knew it had to be released. It was finally released at the 11th hour by Tom.

If nothing else, Thibault should have delayed a vote based on these tactics and the lies. Unfortunately for us, Thibault was in bed with the same folks that owned that study.

EDITOR: The entire Convention Center saga from start to finish caused many otherwise fine people to do very bad things. Of course there were also some knaves for which such acts were routine rather than exceptional.

The latter’s view is that the taxpayers, stock holders and mutual fund investors are there for the pickings. It is just business as usual.

Donald Trump’s comments concerning his failed projects in Atlantic city at yesterday evening’s Republican Debate was a clear statement of such mind sets.

We are proud to say it has never been ours. And we hope not yours.
