LETTER: Penn gets ‘cash cow’ LGH, Lancaster loses autonomy; leaderships get golden parachutes

Re: LGH/Penn merger: Questions, but no answers yet” (or until deal is done, if then!)

Don’t kid yourselves. This smacks of ego of the administrators who are not truly devoted to the community. Just look at how Marion McGowan was treated and pushed out. There is more than meets the eye and this is not in the best interest of the public.

The LGH Board of Directors should be addressing the public. And I might also note that this is not a gender neutral group who have bought the rhetoric from non-physicians and non-nurses who run the hospital, namely Tom Beamon and Jan Bergen.

This will not improve care; it will syphon funds to Penn. There is no “weakness” in our healthcare system and LGH is a cash cow. Penn gets LGH, the community loses autonomy, and the LGH leadership gets promises of golden parachutes for selling out a public entity.

Lastly, let’s remind each other that Penn is the origin of the ObamaCare plan. I have said enough and now am voting with my feet. If you are fed up also, then boycott services or write your congressman and demand transparency.


1 Comment

  1. Penn is the origin of the ObamaCare plan? What are you talking about? Perhaps the writer is thinking of RomneyCare in Massachusetts or congressional Republicans’ bill in 1993, based on the Heritage Foundation proposal going back to 1989?

    Or Geisinger which was one of the pioneers.

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