LETTER: Partners adamant for CC should be held responsible

I read “Crunch time for saving the Convention Center” with great interest. It has been, in my opinion, a project that should have never taken place. I have had that view from the beginning. It was mishandled financially and, yes, I believe misconstrued to much of the public.

Even to inject a hotel tax on other establishments to help fund a convention center to help pay for this, when taking business away from those entities, was simply wrong in my view.

I believe that amounts to politicians having too great of power over certain entities, in this case tax dollars at the top of the list.

If anything a hotel tax should be there for such things as helping to pay the cost of tourism advertising or even road improvements to help those visiting to get around.

But you make your point we now have a convention center, how do we handle it from here is the big question? Those partners that were so adamant about this being done should be held to the fire, as I see it!

The tax payers of this County should be off the hook for this one, as enough is enough. But who makes those calls, who would be stepping up to the plate?

I am very interested in being kept up to date on this matter. I have been involved in the Lancaster Train station renovations over the past several years and it was equally mishandled and highly over priced, and yes I believe very misconstrued to those of us that were to be kept in the know.

Perhaps its time for some leadership accountability at numerous levels.


1 Comment

  1. It is long past time for leadership to hold those responsible for this financial albatross to step up and demand/force accountability of financial shortfalls to those that created this white elephant in the first place.

    There is NO justifiable reason for the hotel industry or Lancaster county taxpayers to be footing the bill just so PSP can make indecent profits on a venture where they placed little of their own resources at risk.

    Whatever one-sided agreements were put into place, need to be voided immediately and an impartial (outside of Lancaster County) panel (of industry professionals) be assigned to create new agreements that are fair and equitable to all parties (including taxpayers) as we move forward.

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