LETTER: No American troops for Ukraine

Re: Ukraine is only part of Putin’s game plan

U.S. foreign military posturing is one of: “never invade a country that can defend itself; never defend one that can’t.”

If you don’t like that premise review please all the way back to WWII and just why the U.S. let Russia do most of the fighting against the Germans, why the A bombs were dropped.

The Korean debacle, the Vietnamization of the Viet Nam conflict, invasions of Grenada, Panama, Haiti etc. Even the invasions of Iraq
which involved more friendly fire casualties than actual combat with real forces.

So if you really think U.S. troops, depleted and debauched from their illegal and immoral occupations of recent years, are going to take on Russian armor and infantry (still the best in the world) you’d be wrong. Just remember McCain and how “We are all Georgians now.” Ha Ha.
