LETTER: Never a Lender Be !

Here are ” Sovereign debt as a percentage of GDP  “figures for various countries , as provided by Times of India ( July 15 , 2011 ) :

  • Japan …………………. 220 %
  • Greece ……………….. 142 %
  • Italy …………………….. 119 %
  • Russia ………………….. 99 %
  • Ireland ………………… 96.1 %
  • USA ………………………… 91.6 %
  • France …………………….. 84.3 %
  • Canada …………………… 84 %
  • Portugal …………………… 83.3 %
  • Germany ………………… 80 %
  • UK ……………………………. 77.2 %
  • India ……………………….. 69.2 %
  • Brazil …………………………66.1 %
  • Spain ………………………….60.1 %
  • Taiwan ……………………… 39.7 %
  • S.Korea ………………………30.9 %
  • S.Africa ……………………….35.7 %
  • China ………………………. 17.7 %

Greece just managed to avoid a default of re-payments to its private creditors by getting them to ” agree “ to write-off 59 % of the debt !

Greece might have escaped going bankrupt by the skin of its teeth

Question is :

Will others be equally lucky ? Will the world see a financial meltdown ? Or , is it only a question of when ?

Lenders , beware ! By lending recklessly, you have become, the enemy # 1
