LETTER: Manheim Twnp. won’t pay for City fire protection

That “bully” union that you deride has offered hundreds of thousands of dollars in contract concessions to maintain their already understaffed situation, yet the mayor and fire manager have done nothing but reject reject reject, even when the union offered more than the city wanted.

For years people have tried to claim that a volunteer presence in the city would make everything better. Guess what… we already have a volunteer presence in the city, and because the mayor and fire chief decided to take advantage of the volunteer’s help, Manheim Township refuses to assist on city fires.

Here’s the thing, asking the volunteers to help out every once in a while is fine. No one in the firefighter’s union has ever opposed occasional assistance from them. The bowtied buffoon and his lacky Gregg want volunteers in on every fire call. They want the city to essentially merge services with volunteer fire departments, especially Lafayette and Lancaster Township.

However they want to do so FOR FREE. They offer nothing in return for the help of volunteers. And before you go off on the tangent of “mutual aid” understand that it would take the city sending every on duty firefighter to equal the strength offered the city by the volunteer departments on one rig. There is no equity there.

As a resident of Manheim Township, I’m now paying a tax to provide adequate fire protection in my community. I’ll be damned if my tax dollars are going to be spent supplementing a city “led” by a mayor and a yes man fire manager who refuse to provide adequate fire protection for their own citizens.

You can spit at the union all you want. It’s pretty clear that your position is based on political ideology and not an understanding of the issues involved. Hell, even the Management Partners report says that what Gray and Timbo are doing is wrong.
