LETTER: Makes case for LBJ involvement in JFK assassination

Re: “Jackie O tapes reveal how she believed Lyndon B Johnson killed JFK”

What? Are you afraid of LBJ cronies?

It seems EXTREMELY clear LBJ AND Connally worked together to lure JFK to Dallas as part of the plot to kill Kennedy. There’s just too much evidence; LBJ’s own mistress, for one, with the comment LBJ made to her the night before, and only 2-3 hours before JFK’s assassination, “…those sons of bitches, Kennedy’s won’t be able to embarrass me ever again,” .

Former FBI agent, Don Adams, also gives compelling testimony; there’s even a tape recording of two men talking about the set up to kill JFK TWO WEEKS in advance.
MANY people know LBJ coveted the Presidency. Nixon alluded to LBJ’s drive to “…be number one, not number two…” in regards to the presidency. After JFK was killed, LBJ said to his mistress, “…well they shot that S.O.B.”

And what about the notorious wink and a smile from Texas Congressman Albert Thomas? How inappropriate is that? Look at that picture with the wink: even “Ladybird” is smiling!

I’m sorry, but I think you’re WAY off on whether or not LBJ was involved in the conspiracy. LBJ was known to have had people killed by his henchmen.
