LETTER: LNP: “Slippery slope of unethical journalism”


Rest assured; LNP will orchestrate this ‘debate’ to insure that ‘their’ candidate of choice and their ‘pet issues’ will receive the most attention and favorable press. LNP has no business ’sponsoring’ (what exactly is the cost of sponsorship for a debate???) anything that has to do the political arena….they have fed at that trough for too long already.

What a disgusting, self-serving, “look at me” article. LNP continue to slide down the slippery slope of unethical journalism. Someone needs to stop this!!!!!!!!

EDITOR: They are running a business and doing what they can to remain viable as many newspapers are folding. They are not our political leaders; they are not our clergy. Perhaps you and we expect too much.


1 Comment

  1. A tail wag to the editors comment. Media outlets have always tried to drive public opinion to what the editors believe is the greater good. Believe nothing of what you hear, only half of what you see, and do your own research.

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