LETTER: LNP fears Kane will investigate ‘good old boys’ in Lancaster County

Re: Kane supporters petition to halt AG’s law license suspension

The single biggest reason that LNP’s ownership, senior management and editorial board is against our state Attorney General is their fear that she will eventually set her investigative sites on the corrupt ‘good ole boy/girl’ politics inherent in Lancaster City/County.

This is best exemplified by the hotel/convention center debacle forced upon city and county taxpayers and the hotel industry by PSP/LNP.

LNP will cloak their fear with all kinds of other excuses, but let’s be clear….when LNP sets their’ sites on someone, they will stop at nothing to disparage that person. Their only moral compass points directly to their pocketbook.


1 Comment

  1. I don’t think they have that fear. I think that the author of the letter has that desire, along with an exaggerated sense of Lancaster’s importance and of LNP management’s sins.

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