LETTER: LNP editorial was just lip service

Re: LNP editorial criticizes D. A. Stedman, but misses main point

The purpose of an independent, objective news media (I will leave for another time the argument as to whether LNP IS one), is to keep government honest.

The questions posed by LNP in its editorial should have been brought up by reporters at the news conference, pointed questions should have been asked (regardless of whether or not they were met with a, “No comment”), and absent any answers from the D.A’s office, the media should be getting that information on its own. (It’s called “digging”.)

The purpose of a REAL journalist is to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Instead, the only newspaper in Lancaster will just wait for the press release. Or drop the coverage altogether. For every door being slammed in a reporter’s face, they should be kicking open two.

But, no. The LNP editorial was just lip service, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they sent it to Mr. Stedman for his approval before running it. I know all this because I used to be a journalist. Now, though, I’m just a disgusted taxpayer. And voter.


1 Comment

  1. It’s too bad we don’t have a way to vote LNP out. Other than advertising, which takes up the majority of the newsprint space; and the on-going descriptions of “beautiful, vibrant downtown”, there really isn’t much ‘news’ in this newspaper.

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