LETTER: Lancaster Newspapers more like the Advertiser every day.

Re: “CBS Anchor Scott Pelley: ‘We’re Getting the Big Stories Wrong, Over and Over Again’”

“Well…at least that leaves LNP off the hook….they don’t do BIG stories anymore, only “local fluff stuff”, sprinkled amongst an ever increasing number of ads….they are becoming more like The Advertiser everyday day!!

“When is LNP going to take to task the Mayor and Police Department for the inordinate number of unsolved crimes?

“When is LNP going to ‘come clean’ regarding the disproportionate share of ‘profits’ being realized for the Marriott at the expense of the Convention Center?

“When is LNP going to address the lack of diversity among their management, editorial and reporting staffs?

“When is LNP going to come out from behind their stained glass windows of their carnation white castle on Penn Square?

“When is LNP going to realize that not all Lancaster County residents consider themselves “Lancastrians”?

“When is LNP going to become a ‘real’ newspaper worth reading again????????”

EDITOR: For a supposed Mothers Day gift, we subscribed for the daily paper delivery of the New York Times. We just can’t get along without news with our breakfast.
