LETTER: Lancaster judges favor mothers over children

… I live in Lancaster County and went through custody court where, after having my children live with me for a year and a half, they took my children from me to live with their mother in California. And no there were no accusations of abuse or anything else.

In fact, they went from failing grades and potentially being held back in school to advanced proficiency in all areas. I took them to therapy, and boy and girl scouts, after school programs, and spent every second and every cent on them.

Now I have ZERO custody because the judge decided that now that she wants them she should have them. Oh and the failing school grades and psychological problems developed during their time with their mother… The kids therapists, doctors, dentists, and school officials even testified that the children should stay with me. The school even asked the court if they could block their mother from contacting the children altogether because of physical and mental abuse.

Lancaster County Courthouse. Yeah sorry if I don’t agree that they are progressive. My children BEGGED the judge to stay with me.

When it comes down to it, the court does NOT care about the best interest of children. They believe they should be with mother. Even if mother is abusive. The truth is as a mother you can do anything you want and the courts will be in your favor. Even though we watch as mother drown and murder their children the courts continue to believe in the fabled myth of a mother by default being the better parent.

My ex wife bashes me to my children on a regular basis and I completely agree that BOTH parents should keep the children out of it. Sorry. Guess I’m not happy about what has been done to my children.


1 Comment

  1. Daddyjustice.com has s short video titled
    “Fempork – Throwing the children under the bus”
    This guy is right on! sadly

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