LETTER: Lancaster Alliance jumping in front of parade

I was rather stunned to read the following on Newslanc regarding Lancaster Alliance Claims:

“Through Lancaster Arts, the Lancaster Alliance helped give birth to the practice of ‘First Fridays’ in downtown Lancaster.” Did Howell really say that? If he did, this is what is known as jumping in front of a parade and pretending that you started it!

“First Fridays” was started at least 18 years ago by Mulberry Art Studio. I hope that Matt didn’t drink too much Kool-aid while visiting with Jack!

Downtown Investment District ran with “First Friday” at least 10 years ago – here’s something I found on the subject:

“‘First Fridays’ to offer downtown fun for everyone Bernard Harris. Lancaster New Era. Lancaster, Pa.: Feb 5, 1998. pg. E.8

“Doing anything Friday night? Lancaster’s Downtown Investment District has plans for you. The DID is planning ‘First Friday’ events on the first Friday of every month, from May to October.”

Lancaster Arts? According to their website: http://www.lancasterarts.com/index.php?pID=11

“In November 2002, Destination Downtown!, an action group of The Lancaster Campaign, began meeting with stakeholders located along Prince and Water Streets between King and Walnut Streets presenting specific streetscape improvement ideas that would ultimately create a special and unique arts corridor.”

They are less than 6 years old – they may run it now but they didn’t start something!
