LETTER: Kane’s attorney calls for full inquiry into newspaper leaks in her case

CITIZENS 4 KANE: PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s lawyers, Gerald Shargel and Ross Kramer, today called for a “full inquiry” into the many outrageous and hypocritical leaks in Kane’s case.

The latest leak incident happened yesterday, September 17, 2015, when both the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Harrisburg Patriot-News reported that Kane’s office was in the process of being searched by way of a court-sealed search order. The purpose of the search, both papers reported, was to find an oath Kane had taken to uphold grand jury secrecy.

News of this sealed search order seems to have been leaked by someone at the MontCo DA’s office to the Inky and pennlive, all three which have been trying to jail Kane, supposedly for the same offense, for a year…

We’re all for press freedom, but these hypocrites at the Inky, the Daily News, pennlive and the MontCo DA’s office have been trying to jail Kathleen Kane for a year, while they do the same thing they accuse her of doing.

The Philadelphia newspapers, the Harrisburg Patriot, and the MontCo DA’s office are staffed with the worst sorts of people, doing the worst sorts of things, as is rapidly becoming apparent to all.

Shargel and Kramer’s statement follows below:

“With each passing day, we grow more frustrated and disappointed with the prejudiced and unjust investigation being conducted into the alleged conduct of Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

“At this time, we have no choice but to call on the Courts to conduct a full inquiry into the continued leaks of information in this case. Those leaks threaten Attorney General Kane’s fundamental constitutional rights to hold elected office and to a fair trial before a jury of her peers.

“Several weeks ago, a supposedly ‘confidential’ document filed in an attorney disciplinary proceeding was leaked to the press. In fact, the press had the document before either Attorney General Kane or her attorneys. There was good reason for this document to have been labeled confidential. The allegations it contained were completely false, and its release threatened to unfairly taint the jury pool in the criminal proceedings.

“Yesterday, a supposedly ‘sealed’ search warrant was executed at the Office of Attorney General. Yet there were reporters waiting in the lobby of the Office for that search to be executed. And those reporters immediately knew the substance of the warrant, and the substance of the documents that were taken from the Office of Attorney General.

“This is prejudicial misconduct of the highest order, threatening the constitutional rights of an elected official and a citizen of this Commonwealth.

“It also highlights the utter hypocrisy of this investigation. The District Attorney’s Office alleges that Attorney General Kane leaked information about a five-year-old investigation where no charges would or could be brought. Now, there are regular and unconscionable leaks of confidential information in this case.

“An elected official is being railroaded out of office, and forced to defend herself before a jury pool that has been intentionally and irrevocably tainted. This is absolutely and fundamentally wrong. It should not be allowed to stand.

“We anticipate taking further action on this issue (including raising legal motions at the appropriate time), but we call on the Courts in the first instance to begin a full inquiry immediately.”


1 Comment

  1. I think the corruption is wide spread. The public need to see who sent and received the porn e mails. Could care less who watches porn but not When I’m paying for it. And I may not vote for them again. If she has info on the pedophiles she should release it or as the AG press charges.

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