LETTER: Is there is minimum standard required to be considered a newspaper?

Re: LNP’s total abnegation of responsibility

I suspect actually producing “news” is just the necessary means of acquiring readership to justify advertising rates. It is all about them generating revenue from advertising and marketing.

The paper’s readers are not their true customer, just a a necessary means of doing business. Reader want more actual news and real reporting not just listing information about community events.

Readers aren’t the ones requesting more colors throughout all the pages of the paper. The new Mechanicsburg printing facility is modifying their press to add more color to all pages to satisfy LNP’s ability to charge more for advertising.

The million in savings they will reap by not producing the production of the paper themselves will not relate to anything the end reader/subscriber will notice in terms of the quality and quantity of content.

What really differentiates the daily LNP, Advertiser or Merchandiser type publication? They all sell ads first and fill up the rest of the pages with already existing local facts and events. To actually produce any investigative or thought provoking news story is just an unnecessary expense. The bottom line is their bottom line.

Is there is minimum standard required to be considered a newspaper?
