LETTER: I find this article boldly inaccurate and slanderous.

Re: New Wave of Anti-Americanism in Russia

Get your heads out of your ass and speak with actual Russians here, THEN report the truth. This doesn’t count your ex-Soviet buddies who are still living in the past.

I have lived and worked in Moscow for 6 years and have yet to see anybody defile or rebuke the American flag OR its people (ME!). You said “businesses”…all I see is ONE business. And newsflash: you can buy novelty US flag – not to mention nearly any OTHER country – toilet paper most anywhere. Again, in order to pride yourselves on REAL and honest reporting, you must
FIRST be unbiased.

It ISN’T Americans that many (NOT most!) Russians dislike, it’s our government.

Newsflash #2…I’ve pretty much been sickened and appalled by MOST of what my government does, so having other governments – Russian being just one of them – isn’t at all surprising.

Newsflash #3: despite your wrongful reporting, nearly every Russian I have spoken with is – SURPRISINGLY – pro-Obama. Despite my warnings, they think he is a rather GOOD president. And though I have tried hard to correct them, they stay fast to their opinions. So saying Russians hate Americans is not only inaccurate, it’s downright slanderous and merely propagating (yet more) hate wars. And don’t we have enough of those with all the gay vs. straight and racism wars going on?!

Most all Americans are exposed to news-wise is biased Obama-media dogs – not unlike your OWN site – you receive very little of the truth concerning such issues like Ukraine and Crimea…

Final newsflash: The Ukrainian US/EU/US tax dollar supported coup government is comprised of several KNOWN neo-Nazi members. And the ONLY reason – in my opinion – why the world isn’t already involved in WWIII is that Putin (being the smarter President) preempted Obama’s move to vacate Russia’s base in order to place yet another NATO base surrounding Russia on the Crimean peninsula.

I find this article boldly inaccurate and slanderous. I would guess that the ex-Russian writer is comfortably living in the US and receiving a generous per diem from Obama, the closet-case Muslim.

And any preparations Russian may be making military-wise would be prudent taking into account that the US is and has been doing the same for quite some time. They’re called NATO bases.

But I believe Russia could be worried needlessly. The popular saying, “give him enough rope and he’ll hang himself” leaps to mind here. My once proud nation is fast collapsing in on itself. With all the hate wars going on, presidential decisions circumventing Congress, and “one nation under God” becoming “one nation under none”, America is her own worst enemy.
