LETTER: How would the U. S. react to a Russian sponsor coup in Canada?

Re: Vladimir Putin is a very dangerous guy

Does Russian spend a trillion dollars a year on defense, have military in 150 countries, wage wars of aggression in the Middle East, lie about weapons of mass destruction in other countries, sponsor coup d’etats in countries thousands of miles away from their borders, etc? I can go on.

If Russia had sponsored a coup in Canada, got a pro-Russia regime installed in Ottawa with a government wanting to join in military alliance with them, just what does anyone suppose the U.S. response would be? So please just stop about Ukraine, the eastern peoples of that country have as much right to self determination as any other minority within a country.

The U.S. sponsored rebellion and then bombed Serbia into submission so Kosovo could become part of a greater Albania, if Russians in Eastern Ukraine want to be part of Russia or just be left alone by Kiev so be it.

The Ukrainian government should stop firing heavy artillery on civilians like they have been doing for the last year. The U.S. is once again pursuing a self-serving policy wherein they think the ends justify the means but all it really means is more refugees, more deaths. That is the U.S. legacy in the Middle East and now it wants the same in Eastern Europe. The only people who believe this nonsense are the U.S. politicians who keep repeating the same lies over and over.
