LETTER: “Heartening” but “No good solution to the problem”

Re: Prosecutor in Anthony Graves case disbarred

It is heartening to see the prosecuting attorney in the Graves case disbarred. It is time that justice was dealt to one who dealt injustice.

Yes, the minimum and advisory standards for criminal behavior should be reviewed. It was intended to equalize the punishment for various offenses in order to create more justice, but it has served as a barrier to the true administration of justice and placed exorbitant power in the hands of the prosecuting attorneys who are in control of plea bargaining.

However, there is no good solution to the problem because if we go back to judicial judgment it may work in the case of good, fair and impartial judges who agree with our standards but not with those good, fair and impartial judges who march to other standards and most certainly not work in the case of bad, unfair and discriminatory judges.

So what is the answer? I don’t know.
