LETTER: Harrisburg should say “No deal”

Re: Warner’s message to Harrisburg City Council: ‘Take it or leave it’

Harrisburg would be foolish to enter into another “stacked deck” agreement. Harrisburg should say “No Deal” and walk away.

PS: It’s not that I distrust Newslanc but it would be in the interest of good journalism if Newslanc published a link to a video of the hearing.

EDITOR: Often there are links provided with articles by the source. By clicking on “more” readers have access to them and the balance of the article.

In this matter, Bill Keisling says he has three hours of recorded testimony from the hearing upon which he will be submitting future articles.

Keisling and his editor have constant go-arounds with Keisling submitting articles containing thousands of words and his editor insisting that the articles not exceed several hundred. Often heard: “Damn it, you are writing a news article Bill, not a book.”


1 Comment

  1. The editor, the watchdog, and Robert Field should all have a meeting with Keisling and explain the concept of “word limit” with the man.

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