LETTER: Fukushima may be the greatest risk humans have faced in their history

EDITOR: Below is a communication to the editor from Kevin B. Zeese. His partner is Margaret Flowers, MD.

We did our radio show today on the status of Fukushima — it is hair rising. It is amazing that this is not on the front page of every newspaper every day. This may be the greatest risk humans have faced in the history of humans being on the planet.

The leaking radioactive water into the Pacific is one problem — which may make eating any fish in the Pacific a risk, but the fuel rods are truly frightening. Solving the problems of 1,300 of the 6,000 fuel rods at Fukushima is going to be a very high risk engineering feat that has never been done before; and it needs to be done perfectly or various level of catastrophic results will ensue.

Here’s the show, we’ll be writing an article based on it and other research over the next week.


Here is an article by a nuclear engineer, who has been following Fukushima very closely, he’d discussing lessons from Fukushima


And, here’s Ralph Nader on the same topic:


The coming events at Fukushima are very likely to be big news to Americans who have been kept in the dark by the media.

