LETTER: For an equitable resolution of CC financial quandry

Public and civic officials continue to debate how to fund the convention center’s massive construction debt with more and more tax dollars while their “private partners” in the hotel continue to enjoy their undisclosed profit, so much of which is earned on the involuntary largess of taxpayers.

How many hotels pay $100 a year for all of their meeting space, their kitchen, half of their lobby, and a variety of other spaces? How many hotels get to pay $35 million over several decades to take ownership a building that cost more than $76 million to build, while paying no real estate taxes at all?

What the downtown Lancaster convention center needs is a level playing field, one where it can stand on its own merits. Every single agreement between the LCCCA, PSP, RACL, Lancaster City, and Lancaster County MUST be renegotiated on a fair and equitable basis for ALL parties involved, including taxpayers. This is the ONLY way the issues surrounding the convention center can be finally resolved.


1 Comment

  1. I wonder what the chances are of LNP printing the above as a Letter to the Editor????

    Has this been sent to our County Commissioners and City officials???

    This author hit’s everything right on the head!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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