LETTER: First year health care for previously uninsured is costly

The USAToday’s article “Health care spending growth hits 10-year high” about healthcare missed an essential point.

Millions, who now have health insurance who previously did not, are now using the health system. They are sicker and have multiple problems; therefore more costlier to treat.

This should level off in a year when their problems have been treated.

Health care spending growth hits 10-year high


1 Comment

  1. While one might assume costs would decrease, they never do. Many of the illnesses are due to lifestyle choices and social environments. Doctors can treat the symptoms but not the cause. Healthcare costs will only level out when rationing is in place. The USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation and despite massive government intervention via the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) it continues to accelerate.

    EDITOR: All other advanced nations have a form of single payer system, similar to our Medicare. Their overhead is a small fraction of ours and medical professionals are well but not lavishly compensated.

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