LETTER: First hand experience with Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania

Re: A judge oversteps bounds in Kane executive branch patronage case

Great article. I have had first hand experience with the Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania. Without a doubt in my mind the JCB is being operated as a criminal organization under the cover of law. RICO laws would fall short of what is needed to correct this situation. Treason is far more accurate.

I too have testified in front of a “special select” committee investigating judicial corruption in Harrisburg. It was all I could do to keep the legislators in attendance awake during my testimony.

I had the distinct impression that the legislators on this committee were appointed to sit through my testimony (and that of others) were being punished by their superiors for some unknown reason.

For sure not one of them wanted to be there. Until this mater affects the legislators power or their ability to become re-elected nothing will happen to correct this horrific situation.
