LETTER: Entire PA Supreme Court should resign

Re: KEISLING: Crocodile tears and smoke in Justice Eakin’s porno email apology

If [Pennsylvania Supreme Court Judge Michael Eakin] doesn’t have the decency to resign (which he almost certainly does NOT), then he should be suspended pending a full investigation.

Of course, like the first investigation, this one should take no more than a week or two! Then, he should be removed and his pension should be forfeited. His actions were, and are, disgusting.

He should also be disbarred for not recusing himself on the votes regarding Kathleen Kane.

The remaining few justices on the highest court in PA should also resign. They allowed this to continue for nearly a year. They should have stepped up to the plate, but they all failed. They’re no better than than Eakin, McCaffery and Castille.

They’ve all ruined the reputation of the Court, and it will likely take decades for citizens to regain any trust in our judicial system.

Yes, the federal government needs to take over – AND CLEAN HOUSE. The corruption in PA is rampant.


1 Comment

  1. [Kane] was set up. She’s had a target on her back ever since she investigated Corbett and the bullseye just keeps getting bigger. This case shouldn’t even be in Montgomery County to begin with (In fact it should never have been brought). If you’re familiar, at all, with the way a grand jury works, it is clearly one-sided (the prosecution’s). You can get a ham sandwich indicted if you want to. Moreover, the Supreme Court has stepped on to pull her law license.

    I was always taught that you were presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and that’s a pretty hard standard to make. The precedent the Supreme Court sets here would provide an easy avenue for any perceived enemy of your purposes to effectively put you on the sidelines.

    To have Justice Eagan involved in the decision while being part of Kane’s investigation is reprehensible.

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