LETTER: Corbett and police covered up Pedophile ring patrons

Why do you suppose there has been NO mention of SANDUSKY’s LAPTOP or DESKTOP? Same reason there was NO mention (Nationally) of Gricar’s Murder….

There is a Pedophile Ring that has gone unreported because there are MANY members in high profile positions that wish to remain ANONYMOUS.
The only way these sub-humans will be discovered is if SANDUSKY decides to turn states evidence.

But this won’t happen because the people that killed Gricar have enough influence and power to make sure SANDUSKY gets a light sentence so he is not tempted to OUT the other members as well as those people who looked the other way as they recieved financial and political BENEFITS or kickbacks.

The Governor is Clearly one of those who either participated or knowingly ignored the participants. The Police Department on Campus as well as the Regular Police Department is also in on it as well as some judges and lawyers. This shit is BIG and FAR Reaching and there won’t be a congressional probe because Pennsylvania will become bankrupt when AMERICA discovers WHO else is INVOLVED.
